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James Guillory

Future Computer Scientist/Data Miner/ Creative Programmer

My research aims to understand the concepts and mechanisms which underlie the complexities of science. I use advanced techniques and technologies to explore and investigate the scientific hypotheses my research leads to. My inspiration for finding new scientific discoveries is from my determination for a much more technologically advanced future.
I’ve had a passion for science and research since I was a child. When I graduate my ambition is to make the future society prepared for the advances technology will promise for humanity. I enjoy delving into the fundamentals of different operating systems and data mine information from the software. Learn more about my work by checking out my current projects and past publications.

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People Working in Open Office


Development Process, Data Implementation, Software Demonstration, Design Implementation, Documentation, Execution

 Objective 1 Development Process

Follow a software development process to analyze a problem, and to design, build, and test software solutions.

Objective 3 Software Demonstration

Design and implement software solutions across multiple platforms.

Objective 5 Documentation

Document the planning and development of software applications using industry standard tools, techniques and processes.

Objective 2 Data Implementation

Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment.

Objective 4 Design Implementation

Design and implement software solutions for mobile devices or embedded systems.

Objective 6 Design Execution

Within software solutions describe, implement and analyze data structure techniques such as lists, trees, hash tables, graphs, along with sorting and searching algorithms.

Achieved Accolades

Within my years of college, I have received a collection of awards from the school's dean. Each time was evident that I stayed on top of my school work and performed greatly to achieve my GPA to the dean's list of standards.

Man Hands On Keyboard
People Working in Open Office

Programming Languages

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My practices of C++ have been successful in all of my projects. Though the language is archaic, its use in the world of programming is still important and still practice to many industries.

Contact Me

Thanks for your interest in my research. Get in touch with me for any questions or comments regarding my work and publications. I’d love to hear from you.

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Projects Listed

Expect the unexpected in research. Each project I work on comes with both unforeseeable challenges and opportunities. Many of the papers I’ve published were born out of experiments performed on the fly or purely for curiosity's sake. Check out the list of my publications below, and don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.

April 2019


This project pertains to objective 2 for a program using more than one language. As well as Objective 3 for crossing platforms.
 is a calendar alarm that would allow the user to set a date and time to remind them of when a task or notify them about a said event. This was completed in 2018. The algorithms in this project were fairly simple. Implemented UI, working clock, and buttons that showed proper dates of the month selectable within the computer's internal clock. This is a team project worked on with Hakim Ottey and 

July 2019

Spider Swarmz

This project uses objective 6 for solutions that describe, implement and analyze data structure techniques such as searching algorithms and mathematics. 
As well as Objective 5 for documentation and Objective 4 for working alongside mobile devices and embedded systems

Spider Swarms-
A network of arachnid-inspired robots that roam along the ground and study nearby targets that seem noteworthy to investigate. This is a team project that I was apart of. My job was to construct a machine learning code for its navigation and create a Markev decision process on comparing photos.

January 25, 2025


This project uses objective 1 for checking and testing problems and constructs a solution.
A program that was developed within mind how the user experience would be key to its efficiency in playing the Mario games. Originally, MarI/O was an AI that would only play Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. We follow the SDLC guidelines in this project for planning at the beginning, analyzing the steps to get there, designing our mainframe, implementing our stages of planning on file, testing our developed code on the engine, and maintaining the code to still function for future production.

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